Our fall sessions start very soon!
Spring is near! The KC Improv Company Training Center's next classes start in March! We currently have classes on Saturdays and Sundays. Classes sometimes include Improv 101 through 401, as well as Improv for Fun and one-off Drop-in classes typically on Saturdays at 12:30.
Stay tuned for more information here, or join our Training Center email list by emailing to classes[@]kcimprov.com
Or read more below about our individual classes, scholarships, and work-study opportunities!
In addition to producing hundreds of shows every year, The KC Improv Company strives to advance improv in the Midwest by sharing our expertise and knowledge through classes, workshops, and coaching. The KC Improv Company Training Center allows students from all experience levels and backgrounds to become an integral part of the improv community in KC by building skills and ideologies not only applicable to the stage, but to their everyday lives.
Our classes are usually 8 weeks long and meet once a week. The regular price is currently $200 for the 8-week session, or less for Early-bird pricing.
Every class performs at the end of their session at The KC Improv Company Theater, and students get to see KC Improv Company shows FOR FREE!! (Restrictions apply, but not often). More advanced classes may have additional stage-time opportunities.
The KC Improv Company has been teaching improv comedy classes since 2010. We wanted to make sure people know about our scholarship program, which aims to assist students and aspiring students who will help make the improv community (and by extension the acting community) more diverse and inclusive.
We also allow work-study opportunities, for people willing to work at our shows on Fridays and Saturdays! Email for information!
To apply for a scholarship, just email classes@kcimprov.com and tell us:
Why you want to learn improv with the KC Improv Company,
How your background and experiences would help make the improv community more representative of the Kansas City community overall (because we don't want to guess your race, religion, sexuality, age, or anything else), and
Any things that reflect your dedication or aptitude related to improv and comedic acting!
Many scholarships are for 50 percent of normal class fees, and can be rewarded retroactively for classes that have already been paid for. Email us with any questions you have. Thank you!
Is 8 weeks too much? Then check out our Drop-In Class, Saturdays at 12:30 pm at The KCIC Theater. Or our Improv for Fun class!
Questions? E-mail us at classes@kcimprov.com, or give us a call at 816-806-4000!
Improv 101
Saturdays at 10:30 am - 12:00 pm, starting March 15!
"Happy Hour Improv," Fridays 5:00 - 6:15 pm, starting March 21!
This course helps adults learn and explore the art of improvisational acting and comedy. Whether you want to try something new, get out of your shell, or see if comedy and performance is a direction you are interested in, this class is the place to start. Students will benefit by improving their listening skills, confidence, team-building, trust, and collaboration skills. And they WILL have fun!
Students get FREE ADMISSION to KCIC shows through the duration of their classes! (Currently 3-5 shows per weekend, each ticket valued at $15.)
Classes meet each week for eight weeks.
Instructor: Tim Marks. https://www.kansascitycomedy.com/Team/tim-marks
Early bird pricing is available for the first four to sign up!
Improv 201
Sundays at 2:30 pm, starting March 15
This course expands on the ideas introduced in Improv 101 and emphasizes the use of character in improv, as well as new and various improv games. Completion of Intro to Improv is required (or pre-approval by the Education Director).
Every class gets to perform at the Kick Comedy Theater, and students get to see KC Improv Company shows FOR FREE! (With very few exceptions.)
The study and practice of improv helps adults learn and explore the art of improvisational acting and comedy. And they have fun.
Classes meet weekly for eight weeks.
Early bird pricing is available for the first four to sign up!
Improv 301: Great Scenes
Sundays at 10:00 am, starting March 16
This course expands on the ideas introduced in previous levels and emphasizes the ability to do high-quality scenes in or out of the context of short-form games and structures. Completion of Improv 201 is required (or pre-approval by the Education Director).
Every class gets to perform at the Kick Comedy Theater, and students get to see KC Improv Company shows for free (with very few exceptions.)
Classes meet weekly for eight weeks, with at least one performance on stage at the end of the eight-week session.